Learn more about artist Chad Cordeiro before he heads off to Abijan for an artists residency and exhibition with the Donwahi Foundation. Cordeiro has been working as a print technician at the David Krut Workshop since 2012.
In this podcast, Chad Cordeiro speaks to Britt Lawton about his artistic practice, the value of printmaking, the importance of the archive or collected material as a source of inspiration, his love of music and its relationship to print, the entanglement of ideas and references, his upcoming solo exhibition and so much more…
It’s quite an amazing power to have. To be able to disseminate your ideas and your thoughts on a mass scale and to mobilize huge groups of people that engage with what you’re thinking and what you’re doing….. It’s like this DIY kind of agency, or this fugitive practice of being able to mass disseminates ideas or images or texts, on paper and through physical objects; that are easy to overlook in the digital world that we live in, where you can simply type something out in a computer and disseminated infinitely.
Chad Cordeiro, David Krut Podcast 2022