Artist Series E02: Jacob van Schalkwyk | DOLCEFARNIENTE: Solo Projects and Print Launch

Cape Town based artist Jacob van Schalkwyk speaks about his collaboration with David Krut Workshop and the conceptualization of his 2017 Solo Project and Print Launch, DOLCEFARNIENTE at David Krut Projects in Parkwood, Johannesburg.



DOLCEFARNIENTE translates as “the enjoyment of idleness”, the sweetness (dolce) of doing (faro) nothing (niente). It is an Italian concept detailing a state of being, incorporated into the Afrikaans language around the time of the Batavian Republic (1803-1806), a short period of (comparatively) enlightened rule at the Cape broadly influenced by the French Revolution, particularly the thoughts and beliefs of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (“Man is born free yet he is everywhere in chains”).

Art Years are like Dog Years, 2006 – 2017


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