DK Inside Stories | Deborah Bell | Aware of Being Aware | 2017

DK Inside Stories | Deborah Bell | Aware of Being Aware, 2017 | Presented by Kim – Lee Loggenberg | Edited by Roxy Kaczmarek

David Krut Workshop Printer Kim-Lee Loggenberg provides some insight into the intaglio print Aware of Being Aware (2017) by Deborah Bell, created in collaboration with the David Krut Workshop.

The print was made in preparation for Bell’s exhibition Invocations to the Plate which opened in 2018 – a showcase of Bell’s collaboration with David Krut Workshop (DKW) and visiting Master Printer Phil Sanders. Bell’s work considers the border between mortality and immortality, matter and spirit, presence and absence, the quotidian and the mythic, the grounded and the transcended. These ideas often emerge at a subconscious level, as illustrated by many of the prints created for the exhibition that delve into themes of the inner and the outer, the womb and the world – and going inwards as opposed to only expressing ‘out there.’ Bell’s work often also functions as an exploration of liminal spaces, places of threshold and transformation.

DK Inside Stories is a visual feature that focuses on the collaborations and artworks produced by a number of local and international artists at the David Krut Workshop.

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