Artist Series E25: POLYGRAPH Chapters by Lorenzo Nassimbeni

This episode of the David Krut Projects podcast is an audio guide to artist Lorenzo Nassimbeni solo showcase, POLYGRAPH.

The exhibition is a portrait of the artist, composed of varying qualities and languages of line work which are reflective of his response to various physical environments and contexts. The work in the exhibition is made up of 4 distinct chapters which are structured as a linear narrative – a journey from one form of urbanity or place to another as experienced by the artist. These chapters can be heard in the podcast. They are a journey progresses, so the line quality, and its message, changes. The line is a barometer of the personal condition of the artist, in response to place.

Be sure to go have a look at the exhibition, at David Krut Projects, 142A Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Johannesburg.

Exhibition Opens on Thursday, 18 October, 18h00-20h00

Walkabout with the artist on Saturday, 20 October, 11h00-12h00

For more information contact [email protected] or 011 880 6368

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