Print of the Month | December 2018 – Matthew Hindley ‘Fireball’

Matthew Hindley, Fireball, 2016, Watercolour monotype on 

This month features Matthew Hindley’s watercolour monotype Fireball, 2016 as our print of the month. 

This print was the first monotype pulled when he made this series at the David Krut Workshop in 2016.

Hindley’s selection of cell phone photographs were found on Google images and newsfeeds. He is attracted to the raw quality of the images and that they are taken by civilians. “They are more visceral this way”, he says, adding that “the low-res, rougher image feels more real, less mediated, and has a fantastic painterly quality”.

Hindley is taken by the translucency of the marks, which he describes as having “a luminous glow – glassy, almost”. He also remarks on the exciting uncertainty of the printing process and the unusual quality of the flattened brush stroke when it transfers from the plate to the paper. The image is based on a photograph of a drone explosion in the sky – a similar composition to his preparatory oil painting.

The print featured on his solo show Survey of Risk, 2018. The show was a review of the various processes Hindley has explored in his career. The manifestations of Hindley’s artistic risks – and their rewards – were on display in the form of prints, drawings and paintings. Inspired by his collaboration with David Krut Workshop, Hindley’s time printmaking allowed for a creative intersection of mediums and processes, resulting in an interesting body of work.

To read more about this work click the links below:

Explosive Beauty & Beautiful Explosions: Matthew Hindley makes watercolour monotypes at David Krut Workshop, AOM

Cracking the puzzle: Matthew Hindley returns to DKW to make an ambitious etching series

Matthew Hindley

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