Paul Senyol, ‘Markers’

Paul Senyol, Markers

An exhibition in association with Salon Ninety One

20 June to 13 July 2019
OPENING Date: 20 June 2019; from 6 – 8 pm
142A Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Johannesburg
Gallery Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 5pm; Saturdays 9am to 4pm

Follow the link to the exhibition on Artsy here for prices and availability.

Read a review about ‘Markers’ on Artskop: Paul Senyol | Poetry through mark-making

Within daily life and one’s movements through space, there are certain (sometimes recurring) moments, shapes or forms that come to punctuate our existence in place. Markers is Paul Senyol’s latest musing on these impressions shaped by fluidity and movement. The works draw on the ways that people insert themselves into the material nature of space. Carving one’s name into a tree, graffiti scratchings on a bus stop, Mile Stones erected by the Romans or Portuguese crosses constructed by the early explorers at various landing sites. These acts of personal cartography are related to the artist’s own process of mark making which functions as a cartographic reference point in paint on canvas in face of the mutability of life in motion.

Paul Senyol is an abstract painter who reflects the details of everyday life, paired down to an empathy with colour, line and form. His work is a carefully crafted response to his wonderings through various spaces. The colours and textures of urban and natural environments inform his spontaneous practice in the studio. Skateboarding emerged as a gateway to early creative works on the street and remains an important part of Senyol’s experience of urban spaces. His unique visual language is founded on the inevitable change and flux in environments and his works are testament to the translation of experiences into form.

For more information contact: [email protected] or call +27(0)11 880 6368

Works on display:

David Krut Podcast – Paul Senyol, Markers: Listening Time 20 Minutes


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