Year: 2008

The Swing Of The Pendulum (ed. of 30)

Nose 17
BAD DISGUISES 2 In the 1920s, Trotsky was airbrushed out of all photographs that showed him with Lenin. We are by now so familiar with…

Nose 16
ANGELINA BALLERINA My two daughters each had their few years at dance classes, though neither had the drive—nor the parental dedication—to make the transition onto…

Nose 15
ANNA PAVLOVA My older sister was a ballet devotee. She accumulated, over the years, at birthdays and as rewards for good schoolwork, a library of…

Nose 14
NOSE Based on a drawing by Picasso, the double breast seen under the armpit. When drawn onto the plate, the condensed milk and Indian ink…

Paesekele se Robege (ed of 30)

Converging In The Quiet by Andrzej Nowicki

Untitled (Tank Man) by Andrzej Nowicki

Delirium by Andrzej Nowicki

Secrets by Andrzej Nowicki