FILM | Inside Story: Zhi Zulu Silkscreen Series 2019 – 2020

Artist Zhi Zulu gives insight into the silkscreen series including ‘Zebra Crossing’ and ‘Bridge over troubled giraffe’, made in collaboration with the David Krut Workshop in 2019-20.

These works were made in preparation for the Turbine Art Fairs in both 2019 and 2020 shown with David Krut projects.

Zhi Zulu DK Inside Story, silkscreen series 2019-20

This emerging silkscreen print series is inspired by the Zulu’s experience of African stories being told for tourists and foreigners along with the idea of certain animals being left out of the Big Five. The images convey a humorous take on stereotypical, inaccurate and fantastical tales that foreigners sometimes believe of wild animals walking in the streets of Johannesburg.

Produced and edited by Sarah Hunkin.

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