Empowering through creativity
David Krut has been the funder to initiate the Creative Skills Factory project from its inception. Creative Skills Factory is a small NPO in Overberg in the Western Cape of South Africa working in Stanford and Masakhane (Gansbaai). The Creative Works project was founded in 2012 by Regina Broenner, a qualified Occupational Therapist who offered after school workshops in the local community with the support of David Krut Projects and local community mothers.
Early Childhood Development
David Krut published the Movement Breaks in the Classroom booklet as an educational resource for caregivers, parents and community workers. Available upon donation from the David Krut Bookstores at Arts on Main and Parkwood. The 32-page booklet offers a series of interactive movement-based activities that can be used in both the classroom and at home to maximize the development of faculties of children by stimulating the body, the senses and the mind.
How can you help?
David Krut has been the funder to initiate the Creative Skills Factory -a small NPO in Overberg in the Western Cape region of South Africa. The Creative Works project was founded in 2012 by Regina Broenner, an Occupational Therapist who offers after school workshops in the local community.
If you would like to contribute, donate to Creative Skills Factory NPC, Bank: Nedbank, Account number: 1158970595.
Send your POP to [email protected] and receive a free copy of Movement Breaks in the Classroom booklet an educational resource for early childhood development published by David Krut.
Creative Skills Factory is a registered NPO & PBO – a Section 18A tax certificate will be issued for donations and contributions.
Sponsorship options include options to sponsor a child to attend the Creative Works holiday camps in Masakhane, Stanford or Die Kop for a week (R 150), month (R 300) or year (R 3 600). You would also be able to sponsor art equipment and participation for a child for the Arts Program for one year( R 3000).
The Arts Program incorporates weekly community based creative workshops for children ages 5 to 13 in Stanford and Masakhane. These workshops are run by trained community facilitators who offer a structured program from their homes or community places and aim to share creativity in a safe environment, nurture talent and build up life skills. In addition to the open workshops the facilitators will offer smaller groups to enhance artistic as well as social skills.
How can we INSPIRE them?
The aim of the Creative Holiday Program is to offer a safe but stimulating space for children in the holidays. The program is a collaborative program that pulls on local recourses. The workshops offer a variety of creative activities including beading, printing, painting, and crafting, dancing, puppet making and puppet shows, dance and free movement sessions, Yoga, drumming, pottery, make-up art, creative writing, reading and storytelling.
Being connected to one’s creativity gives an opportunity to interact and engage with the demands of the environment in an innovative and flexible way. Nurturing the creative spirit of young children is an exciting and alive way to teach many skills that enable them to move in the world with strong roots, a sense of themselves.