Jürgen Partenheimer – Seeds & Tracks and Folded Spirits at NIROX Projects

J Ü R G E N   P A R T E N H E I M E R

Seeds & Tracks and Folded Spirits

L E B O G A N G   M A S H I L E



NIROXprojects  Arts on Main  Johannesburg  O8. 11. 2011 at 18.30

Internationally renowned German artist Jürgen Partenheimer, currently a resident at NIROX Foundation with the support of the Goethe Institute, will show part of the work produced during his residency and launch his artist book “Seeds & Tracks and Folded Spirits”, which includes poetry by Lebogang Mashile.

The artist book was printed by Mark Attwood at Artist’s Press studios in White River, loose leafed in a solander box created by Lunetta Bartz, Johannesburg Partenheimer’s series of artist’s books is widely acclaimed and collected, with representation in international museums, including MoMA, New York.

Lebogang Mashile will read and perform her poetry for the opening of the exhibition at NIROXprojects, at 6.30pm on 8 November.

The exhibition includes a suite of prints belonging to the artist’s ‘South African Diary’, produced in collaboration with Jillian Ross and Mlungisi Kongisa of David Krut Print Workshop.

Please RSVP with Rachel Montshiwa on [email protected] or call 0834348541. NIROXprojects, 264 Berea and Main Streets, City and Suburban, Johannesburg.

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