Studio Portrait

The work was made as a simple silk-screen reproduction on the basis of an ectachrome from “Projection for Drawing. Studio Portrait No.1, 2003”. William revised…

Who Needs Words?

This series of prints, Blue Rubrics, is a continuation of Kentridge’s 2012 Rubrics print series. Here, ‘rubric’ refers to instructions printed in prayer books, conventionally…

Defensive Sleeping

This series of prints, Blue Rubrics, is a continuation of Kentridge’s 2012 Rubrics print series. Here, ‘rubric’ refers to instructions printed in prayer books, conventionally…

Wait, Wait

This series of prints, Blue Rubrics, is a continuation of Kentridge’s 2012 Rubrics print series. Here, ‘rubric’ refers to instructions printed in prayer books, conventionally…


Claire Gavonsky and Rose Shakinovsky are fellow artists collaborating under the name Rosenclaire. They are based in Italy, where they have established an international artist’s…

Pioneer Corps

* imp. 2019 stands for impression 2019 as this image was created in 1975 Upon contemplation of the collaborative relationship between Kentridge and David Krut,…

Muizenberg 1933

* imp. 2019 indicates that this impression was created 2019, while the image was created (carved) in 1975 Upon contemplation of the collaborative relationship between…

Still life

Still Life by William Kentridge is closely connected to the artist’s renowned short films of charcoal drawings. Though this drawing depicts fruit in a moment…

Statistical Weaknesses

“What does scale say about mass – mass information; mass economies, more of everything, and the sheer accumulation culture of data? How are we dealing…

The Map is not the Territory I

The Map is not the Territory Series is comprised of three prints made during a collaboration between the artist and David Krut Workshop in 2016 and…

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