David Krut Projects (DK Projects) staff members Elzette de Beer and Amé Snyman paid a visit to Stephen Hobbs’ studio in Maboneng on 11 December 2014 to find out what he is up to and what lies ahead for 2015.
Hobbs has two solo exhibitions planned with DK Projects next year, the first being Permanent Culture at DK Projects at the Montebello Design Centre in Newlands, Cape Town. Permanent Culture, a multi-media exhibition and installation, will open in February 2015 and explores themes surrounding the military history of the area, while tying in the idea of the tree canopy as a natural camouflage.
“The tree canopy, perhaps the last of its kind in Newlands, reveals and conceals Montebello – as much a protective ‘skin’ as it is a barrier to wider accessibility.” (Hobbs on Permanent Culture).
To coincide with Permanent Culture and the Cape Town Art Fair, Hobbs (in conjunction with DK Projects) is also planning an ambitious and innovative multi-media video and light installation at the V&A Waterfront. For the four nights of the Art Fair (which takes place at the V&A Waterfront), Hobbs will project camouflage imagery and lighting onto the historic SAS Somerset, docked in the harbour. Hobbs has done extensive research into the history of this former navy vessel, which dates back to World War II. Look out for more on these exciting projects on our website next year! In addition to his Cape Town projects, Hobbs will also hold a solo exhibition of his work at DK Projects Johannesburg later in the year.
Hobbs’ studio at present is jam-packed with works in preparation for his upcoming exhibition and installation. He is experimenting with different ways of producing a camouflage effect, using various media and techniques, including painting, printing, netting, tree foliage and wire. While his Permanent Culture exhibition in Newlands will focus on tree canopies as camouflage, the installation on the SAS Somerset will use dappled water effects as camouflage, showing the difference in techniques between trying to remain unseen on land and in water.

Another project with which Hobbs has been busy is working on applying his Dazzle camouflage designs to the exterior walls of the new residential building, The Craftsmen’s Ship, in Maboneng. Dazzle refers to a zebra-like pattern used particularly on gunships in the early 1900s to fragment the visual field of enemy sites in combat situations. Hobbs is also involved in landscaping and pool design for the interior, and has had a strong influence on the architectural process.

Hobbs says of his art that all his work is related to each other, a family of ideas related to shapes and bunkers.
DK Projects looks forward to working with Hobbs on all his new projects in 2015!