TAF001: Touring the Constitutional Court of South Africa

The first in a series of new Taxi Art Films from David Krut Publishing.

Johannesburg has the dubious honour of having the only prison in the world where both Mahatma Ghandi and Nelson Mandela were incarcerated. When the Constitutional Court of South Africa was appointed by President Nelson Mandela, after the first democratic election in 1994, this was the site chosen by judges as a new home for the Court. The Old Fort Prison – commonly known as “Number four” – had the space and elevation the judges were looking for, and the building would help regenerate an area threatened with deep urban declined, but above all, it represented an opportunity to convert the negative energy of the prison into the positivity and hope a democratic South Africa.

English, Art General, DVD, PAL, 41 mins, 16:9 widescreen, ISBN: 9780981418803,
Price: (ZA)R 150.00

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