OPENING | Thursday 1st November | 18:00 – 21:00
EXHIBITION | November 2nd – December 15th | By appointment
Stephen Hobbs’ preoccupation with camouflage typologies as visual surrogates for Johannesburg’s inherently disruptive nature has extended into a range of mixed media projects, from large scale all over building paintings to conceptual sculptural works. Dazzle Plans, an exhibition in collaboration with Parts & Labour, is a moment of pause from Hobbs’ studio where a selection of dazzle concepts are displayed for the celebration of the seductive nature of Dazzle Camouflage itself.
Razzle Dazzle as it was referred to in the early 1900’s, was applied in myriad versions to gunships, with the intention of disturbing enemy sites on a target, the zebra like pattern effect would appear to fragment the gunship from different angles.
As warship camouflage, Dazzle patterning was more or less discontinued after World War One. In Hobbs’ case his enquiry into the design possibilities of Dazzle, brings to mind the role that aesthetics has played in the creation of deception on the battlefield (made by artists in the military). But more importantly the ironic potential such design forms present for a visual critique of dystopian urban conditions.
For more works and information on Stephen Hobbs click here.