Diane Victor is in New York working with printer Johee Kim at the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop on a small series of drypoints with chine colle.
Miranda Leighfield, of David Krut Projects New York, is observing the process and has supplied the images below. As she has written, “The image (on the first drypoint plate) is of a black woman with a baby on her back, struggling to carry a large and restless crocodile. She is joined by a stout and balding white man who points her towards a non-existent destination, encouraging her to continue her struggle with a promise of a reward at the ‘end’.
The image is a continuation of Victor’s theme of ‘burdened people’, explored in her exhibition at the University of Johannesburg Art Gallery. Here Victor introduces an instigator of this burden, in the form of the white male. “Little White Lies” is the theme for this body of work.”
For more about Diane Victor in New York please see the links below: