I never knew that the POV within a dream reveals more about the dream itself. In fact, I never realised that I was always seeing the scene and never myself within the landscapes. If I ever see myself in a dream, from the POV of me seeing me, I know the version of me I see is not the current version of me. It’s not just about me being there, it’s about what I am doing there and why.


I never knew that the POV within a dream reveals more about the dream itself. In fact, I never realised that I was always seeing the scene and never myself within the landscapes. If I ever see myself in a dream, from the POV of me seeing me, I know the version of me I see is not the current version of me. It's not just about me being there, it's about what I am doing there and why.

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Image Height:
76 cm

Image Width:
53.5 cm

Sheet Height:
76 cm

Sheet Width:
53.5 cm



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