heidi fourie artwork drypoint etching blackened stems landscape of grasses with two figures in the distance

Blackened Stems

This image began as a test plate, but over time resolved into a finished print to be included in Fourie’s series of etchings. This image…

Earth Fragment

This print is a section of a larger plate, which is yet to be resolved. During the creation of the plate Fourie and the printers…

The Bankrupt Bush

The image in Encroacher and The Bankrupt Bush depicts a plant that is found commonly in the grasslands of the Highveld. Fourie is fascinated by this particular…


The image in Encroacher and  The Bankrupt Bush depicts a plant that is found commonly in the grasslands of the Highveld. Fourie is fascinated by…

A fair amount of fumbling

For this work, Fourie overlaid two photographs – a grassland scene and an underwater scene – and used the resulting composition as her reference image.…

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