The Middle of Nowhere (Nauru) (ed. of 20)

The Middle of Nowhere (Nauru) refers to the dire situation in the Micronesian island, Nauru, where the population has been at the sharp end of climate change. According to the artist, “Nauru’s tragic fate shows us the impact of the unchecked experiment we are conducting on this Earth. We are on a tipping point where the survival of our species on this planet is held in our own hands. Yet, we are functioning according to arrogant ideologies reminiscent of the Nazi’s ‘scorched Earth’ policy and Mao Zedong’s statement that ‘man must conquer nature’.”

Watch the David Krut Inside Story where in this video, editioning printers Kim- Lee Loggenberg and Sbongiseni Khulu ink up and print Robyn Penn’s Middle of Nowhere, 2016 at the David Krut Workshop, Arts on Main, Maboneng, Johannesburg.


The Middle of Nowhere (Nauru) (ed. of 20)

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Edition Size:

Image Height:
49.6 cm

Image Width:
49.6 cm

Sheet Height:
57.7 cm

Sheet Width:
57.5 cm



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